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After the Young Africans in 2016, Ipsos unveils, at the second edition of its annual conference, of which Hopscotch Africa is a partner, dedicated to Africa at the Dapper Museum, an unpublished study dedicated to African women. Conducted in seven African countries, the study portrays committed, independent and optimistic women, ...


GLOBAL Technologies

« The challenge of telecommunications in 2017 in sub-Saharan Africa is not just to modernize, but to innovate in modernization » -Jean-Paul Steinitz, Chief Executive Officer of GLOBAL Technologies. On 16 May 2017, on the sidelines of the Regional Economic and Financial Forum for the Arab States of the International Telecommunication Union ...


Le Pavillon des Lettres d’Afrique

With more than 155,000 visitors and an increase of more than 3%, the Paris 2017 Book Fair hosted, for the first time, a Pavilion dedicated to the African continent, “Le Pavillon des Lettres d’Afrique”, conceived, designed and implemented By the Hopscotch Africa agency and the director of the Pavilion, Aminata ...



On March 2, 2017, the digital community active on the African continent gathered in Paris for the first edition of the ADICOMDAYS (African Digital Communication Days) organized by Hopscotch Africa and Totem Experience. This rendezvous will undoubtedly remain in the annals as a great mass which immediately inscribes itself among ...


1st BRVM Investment Days

On 30 September and 1st October, the agency organised the BRVM Investment Days in Paris.  This was an opportunity for key stakeholders of the Stock Exchange of the West African Economic and Monetary Union and international investors including investment bankers, international traders, and regional and international investment fund managers to ...


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