
The Morocco Pavilion in the Grand Palais / COP21

As part of the Paris Conference on Climate and in anticipation of COP22 to be held in Marrakech in 2016, HOPSCOTCH AFRICA has set up an unprecedented communication mechanism to showcase the Kingdom of Morocco and its commitment to environment.

  • Operation Solutions COP21 at the Grand Palais by HOPSCOTCH:
  • 42,000 participants from around the world over 9 days
  • More than 350 conferences, numerous artistic works, film screenings, educational animations
  • A night of innovation with start-ups
  • More than 500 organizations, including 200 renowned partners (communities, associations and NGOs, companies, artists, researchers, etc.)

Objectives for the Kingdom of Morocco and the ONMT:

  • To integrate and be visible at the heart of an international and exceptional event
  • To partner with an innovative concept
  • To position the Kingdom of Morocco as an important actor of sustainable development in Africa
  • To present the strategy of Morocco (Vision 2020)
  • To meet, to exchange, and to establish relations with the different stakeholders (Governments, institutions, NGOs, companies, media and civil society)
  • To present and concrete projects to the general public and to sustainable development actors


  • Consulting for the creation of a stand within the COP21 Solutions
  • Media support (PR, Press Relations, Digital)
  • Creation of editorial and event content (Conferences, panel)


  • More than 4,000 affected journalists and 42 influential journalists met
  • An advertising equivalence of more than 2.4 million euros generated by 50 subjects of substance, in the widely circulated international media (Le Monde, Bloomberg, CNN, Le Parisien, Libero, …)
  • A cumulative audience of nearly 118 million readers, viewers, listeners, visitors

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