
Digital Communications for the Africa Singapore Business Forum 2014


Africa Singapore Business Forum 2014
During this event in August 2014, the agency accompanied IE Singapore, the investment promotion body of the Singapore government


  • Launch of a dedicated Twitter account @IE_ASBF to increase the digital visibility of the forum in the long term.
  • Organization of 2 Q & As with speakers
  • Livetweet during the forum


In two days of forum – August 2014:

  • +72 new subscribers
  • + 37% growth in audience
  • +85 new subscribers the week following the forum
  • 250 interactions (retweets and mentions)
  • In total, nearly 400 subscribers on a highly specialized subject (the Africa-Singapore economic relations)

Since then we have been accompanying IE Singapore on their digital African communication on an annual basis and have transformed the account into @IE_Africa

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